вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


A commercially available screened connection cable is used to connect the EKS Electronic-Key adapter via the serial interface. The medium-sized family-operated company based in Leinfelden, Germany, employs Headquarters in Leinfelden-Echterdingen more than people around the world, in Germany alone. LED indicator Value typ. Do you need a help? Device variants with the following interfaces are available for system connection: The maximum cable length is 5 m. Interfacing via programming based on the R protocol Technical data General parameters min. euchner eks activex

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euchner eks activex

EUCHNER safety switches monitor safety doors on machines and installations, help to minimize dangers and risks and thereby reliably protect people and processes.

Electronic-Key adapter via the USB interface. Electronic-Key adapter with serial Interface. Euchner MGB Flyer wordt in een nieuw venster geopend. Page 10 - Electronic-Key adapter with Ethernet int Customer-specific solutions You need a specific solution or have a special requirement?

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Viale Lazio 26 Milano Tel. The maximum cable length is 3 m.

EKS can be used in this context as an electronic signature for personal confirmation of work steps. Downloads available at www.

Euchner - EKS Machine Access Control

A major advantage is the flexibility of the system: In this case, a safe evaluation device must be connected downstream. This version has additional switched outputs that can be utilized to form a safe shut-down signal. Electronic-Key adapter with USB interface.

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As an option, the Transponder Coding software can be used for straightforwardly writing and reading the Electronic-Key on the PC. Along with the headquarters in Leinfelden-Echterdingen, the worldwide sales network includes 14 subsidiaries and numerous representatives in Germany and abroad — you will definitely also find actived near you.

The communication over the interface is exactly the same as for the device with serial interface.

The major advantage is that power is supplied via the USB connection. The Electronic-Key provides protection against unauthorized access to operation and visualization systems. Benito Juarez Mexico D. A commercially available, screened connection cable in accordance with USB 1.

euchner eks activex

Extraordinary solutions ensure the great satisfaction of our customers. The product ranges are subdivided as follows: Often only specific people have permission to change the system parameters on critical systems. Also in these euchnee, the EKS can be used remotely from the control system, e. The machine is reset to a safe operating mode by removing the Electronic-Key.

Page 9 - Electronic-Key adapter with Ethernet int Enter text from picture: Es maximum cable length is 5 m. Nowadays access rights are usually controlled by the issue of passwords. Screws are required at both ends for strain relief. Change process parameters ff Level 3: LED indicator Value typ. We can manufacture your custom product even in small quantities.

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