суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


M98 Pflower is the call to subroutine "flower", G91 Incremental or Relative mode to keep the carving relative to the start point, next the G-code to carve the flower until final retract to start point, G90 Absolute mode , then M99 end of subroutine which sends the program back to execute the next line of G-code following the M98 Pflower call, in this case a move to the next start point and the next M98 Pflower call until each move and each flower is carved. Beste Arjan, No, manuals and help file are available only in English. Say you had a toolpath worked out to carve a 3D flower which starts at a point then cuts its way to a finished depth and retracts to the start point. DeskProto will also correctly read a PPR file with these empty lines. For more information see www. The DeskProto website includes a tutorial video that shows how to create the pipe lithophane in the ilustration. deskproto v5

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Modifying it once in the post processor is much preferable. A Bitmap Operation Starting point is a bitmap file, like the shell in this illustration. Hi Arjan, That will absolutely be possible in Mach3. I mean, the first two or four sides, and then, after that, a rotating toolpad? DeskProto will machine even the most complicated geometry using a large number of G1 movements linear interpolations: All toolpaths can be created very easily using the 5thAxisWaxRing wizard.

DeskProto user forum

On the Rhino forum the other night, someone was looking for a plug-in to place circles to be drilled to create a picture or likeness from a photo. For more information see www. The inside boundary then indicates a hole in the segment, which can save much machining time. The DeskProto website includes a tutorial video that shows how to create the pipe lithophane in the ilustration. DeskProto converts this 2D picture to a 3D relief by assigning a height Z-value to each pixel of the bitmap, based on it's grey value.

This may be what you asked.

deskproto v5

Then this type of information could be added automatically. For others the hobby is in fact building the machine, still when it is finished of course some parts need to dsekproto machined as well.

Hi Arjan, Yes, you can freely combine indexed machining and rotary machining in DeskProto. Cannot promiss anything will come of this however good ddeskproto seems.

Forum home page main Forum: FlashCuts signal generator can do subroutine call and return, M98 and M99 within the G-code file.

DeskProto download: free CAM software

Save the listing here as. When I pasted the post processor file, it became double-spaced; so, edit out all the extra space lines and Save.

deskproto v5

If I have to hand-modify the NC files each time, that is a great opportunity for error. Simply post your solutions in the forum. Free video downloads and free trial downloads at bobcad. Hi Pluk, Thanks for al these tips and ideas on postprocessor editing.

What's new in DeskProto Version 5.0

You can add many subroutines, suchas a bow, button, and flower. I have al ready a 4 axis DeskProto boasts on having a fully configurable postprocessor: A simple use would be deskprofo spot drill through or peck drill into material, a 2D operation. DeskProto does use macros, which are repetitive routines, tacked into the G-code when it is generated. All useful information, Pluk.

DeskProto will be used without any macros by almost all users I have to confess that we never use macros: Lithophanes are pictures that can only be seen when illuminated from the back side: Carving the flowers above the bottle surface first, then machining the bottle surface is also a possibility.

Does this also work fine for very large NC files say 50 MB of data or more? Still the biggest problem is that there are so dsekproto interesting ideas, and there is so little time for development: Hi again Mark and Lex, Two corrections for my previous post: I would like to add some m-codes at the beginning and the end to turn the spindle and the vacuum on and off.

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